Your Healing Journey

This is not for the faint of heart. This is a DIY map to help those who struggle to afford therapy or are nerdy enough to want to try it themselves.

Please consider finding a guide for your journey: How to Find a Therapist.

Step 1: Find Out about Yourself

Take an Attachment Quiz

Step 2: Connect with Your Motivation

Functions of Insecure Attachment Styles

Step 3: Build Resources for Safety

Resources for Self-Regulation

Step 4: Treating Attachment Insecurity

*Examine Your Thoughts (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

Examine your underlying beliefs and reprogram yourself

*Develop a Balanced Brain

*The Three Pillars of Attachment Healing

Ideal Parent Figure Imagery

Metacognitive Development

Collaborative Development

Other Resources

Build an AI attachment partner (Check out this article)

Direct reparenting of ourselves (Youtube meditation by Thais Gibson)

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